Kazakhstan to amend the Constitution

Опубликовано (обновлено )
Due to the result of the nationwide referendum

On June 5, Kazakhstan conducted a nationwide referendum devoted to a group of amendments to the national Constitution. According to Nurlan Abdirov, chairman of the Central Election Commission in Kazakhstan, 77.18% of citizens voted for amendments to the Constitution while only 18.66% of voters said no to proposed political reforms in the nationwide referendum on Sunday.

As a result, the plebiscite on the amendments to the Constitution of Kazakhstan has been declared valid.

«There were 7,986,293 voters who took part in the referendum on Sunday (68.06%). However, 125,859 (1.58%) ballot papers have not been taken into account because they included two answers instead of one. In addition, 206,096 (2.58%) ballot papers have been considered to be incorrect or invalid,» Abdirov highlighted.

As the preliminary exit poll shows, about 70.1% of eligible voters took part in the plebiscite: 74.8% voted for the amendments to be approved and 25.2% said no to the reform.

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