Kazakhstan’s fortune-tellers and tarot readers: why are they so popular with business leaders and politicians?

Consumer market section editor

In Kazakhstan, fortune-tellers, astrologers and psychics continue to be in high demand, with the market for their services steadily expanding each year. Clients range from ordinary citizens to prominent entrepreneurs and politicians. Why are unconventional decision-making approaches gaining popularity among the general public and the country’s most successful business leaders?

Photo: Ilya Kim

Mystics and statistics

In August 2024, Google searches in Kazakhstan for «natal chart» reached a record high over the past five years, scoring 100 points, which is the highest level of search query popularity. According to Google Trends, searches for «fate matrix» in Kazakhstan also surged, rising from 0 points in 2019 to 100 in July 2024.

Measuring the true growth of the local esoteric services market is challenging, as much of it operates in the shadows. Although the law requires mediums, tarot readers, astrologers and other «mystical» practitioners to register their business as a sole proprietorship if they earn more than $2,100 per year from their services, most fail to do so. However, official statistics provide some insight into the market’s growth. There was a noticeable spike at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, with psychic services increasing 86 times year-on-year (YoY) in 2020. Additionally, demand for astrologers, spiritualists and fortune-tellers saw a significant uptick in 2022, coinciding with the outbreak of the war in Ukraine and rising geopolitical tensions in the region.

According to Google Trends, interest in astrology, tarot readings and fortune-telling has remained steadily strong among Kazakhstanis over the past five years, with significant peaks at the beginning and end of each year.

The Olx.kz, a major online classified service, shared data with Kursiv on the demand for esoteric services. The findings show a decline in the number of fortune-tellers, tarot readers, numerologists and runologists offering their services through the platform, as well as fewer clients searching for these services. However, esoteric practitioners argue that the market isn’t shrinking but shifting away from classified ads to social media.

«There has always been a fascination with the esoteric, psychology and astrology. Humans have an innate curiosity about the future,» said Lyazzat Zhunissova.

For about seven years, Zhunissova has advised clients on Chinese divination practices like BaZi, Qimen Dunjia and Feng Shui. She believes the rise of social media has made esoteric practices more visible.

«More people are choosing to pursue service-oriented spiritual careers or helping professions. This is because esotericism used to be more stigmatized and was seen as inaccessible. But now, attitudes are changing — anyone can learn and develop these abilities,» said tarot reader Diana Balayan.

Balayan started by reading cards for friends and acquaintances but decided a few years ago to leave her regular job and open an esoteric shop called Ba Di. According to her, the business has been steadily growing each year.

«I started with just a few candles on a small shelf — maybe three or four. But my collection quickly grew to ten, then more. Now, after four years, I have an entire room dedicated to esoteric items, including amulets, natural stones and various tools for spiritual practices,» Balayan explained.

Reciting a spell for business

The most frequent requests people bring to esoteric practitioners involve love, money, moving (relocating or changing jobs) and finding one’s purpose.

«I’ve noticed a recent increase in clients, and their inquiries have become more thought-provoking. While people used to come up with trivial questions, they now seek deeper insights. And many of my clients are more financially stable than in the past,» said Balayan.

A separate category of clients includes businesspeople and politicians. «Businesspeople come to tarot readers quite often. They are regular clients, seeking readings and cleansing — whether to cleanse themselves or their businesses from the negative influence of competitors. They also come for protection,» Balayan added.

«Businesspeople approach me for advice on starting a business; they ask whether it’s worth pursuing a particular deal and what to expect from partners,» said Yana, a runologist whose name has been changed for this interview. She mentioned that one of her clients works in the government of a neighboring country.

«It’s a common misconception that only those without formal education believe in runes. Educational background doesn’t determine belief. Some of my clients hold advanced degrees, including in medicine,» said the runologist.

«I have clients on the Forbes list, as well as mid-level employees,» noted Zhunissova. «A few years ago, a client sought advice because her husband was offered an executive position at a successful bank. I advised him not to take the job, as the new position would bring problems and financial costs. They heeded my advice. A few months later, we saw in the news that the bank began experiencing problems. Eventually, its license was revoked and investigations were launched against the top managers.» 

«Among my clients are political figures who shape important decisions. These clients aren’t just from Kazakhstan; I also work with individuals from neighboring countries. Amidst such turbulent times, they often seek my insights and predictions,» said Irina Kalnitskaya, a numerologist.

According to Natalya Imtosimi, a psychologist, the higher a person’s anxiety, the more open he is to seek a quick and supernatural release from their experience. Thus, during crises, wars and uncertainty, there is an increasing demand for esoteric practices.

«This is a common reaction in times of high stress, as our childhood coping mechanisms and superstitious thinking can resurface. As children, when we were scared, we would close our eyes and think, ‘I’m safe,’ while parents were seen as having magical power and authority, capable of performing miracles and solving all the world’s problems. So, in times of stress, adults instinctively want to run to a ‘parent figure’ (a tarot reader, numerologist, psychic, etc.) who can explain what’s happening, offer comfort and, if possible, relieve them of the need to think or take responsibility in difficult situations or at least temporarily ease their distress,» Natalia explained.

Photo: Tatiana Nikolaeva

She added that, in a state of panic or uncertainty, even the most committed atheist might turn to higher powers for help. «The point is not to get stuck in this state. As adults, we can not only rely on these automatic responses but also develop the ability to understand what’s happening, endure our experiences, conceptualize them and take responsibility for doing something about the situation.»

Abundant energy

It’s not just people in Kazakhstan who turn to local esotericists. Many practitioners list their prices in tenge as well as in rubles, dollars or euros.

«I have a large client base all over the world. I do readings for people in Switzerland, Spain, Italy, the U.S. and Korea. It’s great because this profession doesn’t tie us to a specific location, which is very convenient. Language skills also play an important role. I speak English fluently and can conduct consultations in it. Sessions in English aren’t as frequent as those in Russian, but we do receive such requests,» said Balayan.

In addition to offering readings to international clients, Balayan also sells candles and other supplies from her store to customers abroad.

Kalnitskaya notes that about 40 percent of her clients are from Russia, with many requests also coming from Germany and the U.S.

«The ratio of local clients to foreign clients is about equal. My client base is quite diverse, thanks to my active Facebook group that attracts members from all corners of the globe,» said Zhunissova.

She credits the popularity of Kazakhstani experts to their affordable rates, compared to those of professionals from Russia or Ukraine, and the strong reputations of many professionals in the country.

The cost of a BaZi consultation and other esoteric services in Kazakhstan varies greatly depending on the expert and the type of service. For example, asking a tarot reader a single question can cost $1 to $10, while a full session typically ranges from $42 to $104 per hour. Cleansing ambient energy costs around $42 to $52.

The price range for training is even broader. For instance, a basic online course for tarot reading can cost as little as $30, while an expert-level course can go up to $1,250.

«I recouped my training costs on the first day of practice,» admitted Yana. She paid about €200 for an online group course where she learned the techniques and the meanings of runes. Now, rune reading is her part-time job. Yana says personal branding plays a significant role in this market and influences pricing.

«All the certificates — whether for tarot readers, numerologists, etc. — are worthless pieces of paper. In our field, your competence isn’t validated by a certificate but by your reputation and whether you have clients,» added Zhunissova.

Numerologist Kalnitskaya laments that with the growing popularity of numerology and other esoteric fields, there has also been a surge in fraudsters looking to profit from the trend. «Many people enter esotericism today for easy money and, as a result, the field is filled with incompetent specialists,» she said, calling their help unqualified.

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