France to assist Kazakhstan in exploring area near planned nuclear plant site

correspondent for General News department
France is showing interest in projects related to the construction and maintenance of water facilities in Kazakhstan /, photo editor: Arthur Aleskerov

The Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation of Kazakhstan plans to expand its collaboration with France, according to a recent announcement. This followed a meeting between Water Minister Nurzhan Nurzhigitov and French Ambassador to Kazakhstan Sylvain Guiaugue, where both parties agreed to sign a memorandum and a trilateral agreement to support the exploration of underground water resources and conduct comprehensive scientific studies of the Ile-Balkhash Basin.

Two French agencies will participate in this effort: the Agence Française de Développement (AFD, French Development Agency) and the Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM, French Geological Survey). The Kazakh Water Ministry is also considering additional collaboration with the International Office for Water (OiEau).

«With these organizations, we plan to conduct a thorough survey of the Ile-Balkhash Basin, alongside efforts in reviewing, monitoring, exploring and sampling underground water,» the ministry said in a statement.

Ambassador Guiaugue noted that French companies are also interested in projects for constructing and upgrading water facilities in Kazakhstan. Additional French firms specializing in optimizing water resource management have expressed their interest in this cooperation.

Minister Nurzhigitov emphasized Kazakhstan’s commitment to establishing a long-term and productive partnership in these areas. On October 6, Kazakhstan held a referendum on constructing its first nuclear power plant, set to be built in the Ulken settlement on the shore of Lake Balkhash in the Almaty region.

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