Almaty Has Entered Red Zone and Set New Restrictions

Cinemas will be closed again

The Chief Sanitary Officer of Almaty Zhandarbek Bekshin signed an order to strengthen quarantine measures because the epidemiological situation in the town has worsened.

Starting from January 28, the work of the trade and entertainment centers, restaurants and marketplaces will be limited. No indoor attractions or playgrounds will be allowed to operate. The trade and entertainment centers will also be closed on the weekends. 

Theaters and cinemas are not allowed to operate for a while. Even drama practices in theaters are under the ban.

Marketplaces and public food businesses may work only from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. while maintaining only 50% capacity. The working hours of spa centers and swimming pools are similarly limited to the hours of 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. They can work the entire week except for the weekends.

Also, since February 1 health authorities must admit to hospitals all people with any type of coronavirus infection.

Currently, Almaty is in the red zone with 138 people diagnosed with COVID-19 yesterday.

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