As Vladimir Zelenskiy, president of Ukraine believes, the current statistic of 3,000 cases a day is reliable proof that the second COVID-19 wave has hit the country. He made this announcement while visiting Slovakia.
«This spring we had from 100 to 300 cases per 40 million people in our country. Now we have 3,000 per day. Unfortunately, this is a second wave that hit Ukraine,» Zelenskiy said.
According to the Ukrainian president, the decision to ban foreigners from entering the country is quite reasonable.
«We should diminish that threat to Ukrainian people or citizens of other countries who arrive in Ukraine. As soon as we see signs of relief, we surely will open all state borders,» Vladimir Zelenskiy stated.
On September 24, the country’s chief sanitary officer Viktor Lyashko assumed that Ukraine may introduce a nationwide lockdown. This may happen before or after October 25, the date of local elections.
As of September 24, 188,106 COVID-19 cases were reported in Ukraine since the beginning of the outbreak, with 3,372 cases last Wednesday alone. The death toll so far is 3,700.
Earlier, Ukraine and Kazakhstan restored air travel between each other. On September 24, Kazakhstan reported 107,529 cases in total.