Kazakhstan’s President Tokayev Revealed What Kind of Internal Reforms the Country Needs

The head of the state has given a speech at a meeting with new parliament members

According to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, the reforms that should be implemented through better legislation are key to making the country more successful. While speaking in the parliament, the president said that he believes the new deputies will be able to achieve this goal.

«The court system shouldn’t act as a corporation. We need to update the whole system and make the real professionals want to work here. All these new legal system workers should not only be specialists but also good, honest men,» the president stated.

Also, Tokayev noted that reform in the health system of Kazakhstan is highly important.

«The pandemic’s made it obvious. The health system should be focused on people; their interests, health and lives must be the cornerstones of that system,» Tokayev stated.

To build a state ruled by law the government must put forth all efforts.

«It’s necessary to change the whole model of the state rule. We need to implement new reforms in every part of the state apparatus, make the quasi-sector more effective and put all the proper processes into digital form. I think this will help us to make the state apparatus more compact and effective,» he said.

According to Tokayev the new system of state planning, the updated national plan for the country’s development to the period of 2025 as well as a new state rule concept will be adopted at the High Council meeting on January 29.  

«I have ordered the government to transform state programs into national projects; the deadline is the end of June. The task is to incorporate the pre-election promises of Nur Otan party (which has taken the majority of seats in the parliament),» the president said.

In addition, Tokayev’s offered to change the vote threshold to 5% because in every political party, «well educated, qualified citizens» are presented.

«Each of these parties has well educated, qualified citizens who are professionals in specific areas. They always raise important issues that should be discussed in parliament. If these parties’ representatives would have entered the chamber, it would make the discussion more intensive and effective,» the president stated. 

Earlier, right after the parliamentary elections, the president promised that on January 15 he will discuss with the deputies the candidacy of the new prime minister and the cabinet members because as the new parliament starts its work, the current government should leave office.

In December 2020, the president said that the country does need a new system of state planning to make reforms and current programs work together.

«The new system of state planning should be completely dogmatism- and formalism-free. No more parade of words, we need real actions. It should be pragmatic, so those who will be its executives may have space for maneuver,» the president said.

He also underscored the importance of the state planning system digitalization because it is necessary to analyze the entire hierarchy of documents and programs implemented by state bodies.

In July 2020, Tokayev announced the new reforms in public administration and warned about personnel changes in the central and local executive bodies of the state. According to the president, it’s the proper time to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of the national economy with a focus on healthcare, education, low-carbon technologies, R&D and ecology.

«In other words, we must turn the economy around to the people,» he said.

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