New Oil Field Has Been Discovered in Kazakhstan

This is one of the biggest fields in the country’s history

As the Mangystau region administration’s press service reported, a huge oil field has been discovered in Mangystau.

The preliminary data shows that the new field, which was named after prominent explorer and oil worker Khalel Uzbekgaliev, contains light, sweet crude oil that can be produced by standard means.

«The new oil field is located at the territory of Mangystau and Beyneu districts on Tepke site. The oil volumes the exploration well has shown are very promising. It became known at the meeting of Meridian Petroleum oil company executive managers with Serikbay Trumov, head of the Mangystau region,» the press service said. 

In turn, the president of Meridian Petroleum Baltabek Kuandykov stated that the new oil field, which neighbors such active oil fields as Karakuduk, Arystan and Komsomolskoye, might be considered the biggest in the Mangystau region. 

«We started the exploration work in Tepke in 2018 and as a result, six promising sites were discovered. Based on data we currently have about the pressure, gas factor and other parameters, the Khalel Uzbekgaliev oil field is the biggest in the region,» he said.

In 2021 Kazakhstan plans to produce about 83.4 million tons of crude oil, including 25.3 million tons in the Tengiz field, 14.5 million in Kashagan and 12.1 in Karachaganak. As expected, about 67.5 million tons of that oil will be exported abroad.

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