
AIX Is Going to Change Its Chief Executive Officer

The current CEO Tim Bennet will quit on May 24

According to Astana International Exchange, Renat Bekturov, the current CFO of AIX, is to be appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) starting 24 May, 2021. However, Tim Bennet will continue work as Senior Adviser to AIX and the AIFC on capital markets development.

As Mr. Bennet noted, the AIX has all the possibilities and chances to be an attraction center for issuers and investors from all over Kazakhstan and the Central Asian region.

In turn, Renat Bekturov, who is currently a CFO of AIX and is to be appointed as the Astana International Exchange’s new CEO, said that «it is a great honor for me to be nominated for the position of the CEO of AIX and I look forward to starting work in a new capacity in order to further successfully develop the exchange as a successful integrated market.»

Astana International Exchange was formed in 2017 within the Astana International Financial Centre development framework. AIX shareholders are AIFC, Goldman Sachs, the Shanghai stock exchange, the Silk Road Fund and NASDAQ, which also provides the AIX trading platform. 

The exchange operates within a regulatory environment based on the principles of English Law, thus providing a reliable investment environment. The mission of AIX is to develop an active capital market in Kazakhstan and the region by providing clear and favorable conditions for attracting financing to private and public businesses.