EU to Support People of Afghanistan with Financial Help

Even though the EU isn’t going to recognize the Taliban’s rule

The European Union has no intention of recognizing the government formed by the Taliban (the organization is prohibited in Kazakhstan) but is ready to help the people of Afghanistan, according to the Interfax news agency citing Jutta Urpilainen, the EU Commissioner for International Partnerships.

As the official noted, several sectors might be receiving that help but the humanitarian sphere is the top priority.

«The assistance we are going to provide will be aimed at improving people’s lives in Afghanistan. Of course, we are going to do so with no official recognition of the current government in Afghanistan,» she said.

The assistance is planned to be about €300 million in general. 

In October, the UN reported that if no urgent actions are taken, Afghanistan will face a preventable and massive famine. According to the UN estimations, half of the country’s population of 46 million people will be struggling with lack of food due to drought, the pandemic and economic crisis.

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