
Armenian President Resigns from Office

This is a deliberate decision, he said

President of Armenia Armen Sarkisyan has announced his resignation from office, according to the Interfax news agency. Sarkisyan has stated that this decision is totally deliberate. 

«I thought a lot and after almost four years of active work I’ve decided to resign from the office of the president of Armenia. This is an absolutely cold-minded decision that is an outcome of a certain way of logic,» Sarkisyan said in the official statement.

He also noted that «the president in this country has no actual tools or strength to influence the key processes in the internal and external policies in the country.»

Sarkisyan was elected president of Armenia in early March 2018. In accordance with the new Constitution, when Armenia changed its form of government from a presidential to parliamentary republic, the country’s president is elected for seven years.