Oil company in Kazakhstan asks employees to avoid being drunk at work

The company’s reported several discipline incidents since the beginning of the year

Karazhanbasmunay, an oil-producing company in Kazakhstan, has asked its employees to make sure they are sober while at work.

According to the official notice published on the company’s website, Karazhanbasmunay is pursuing a healthy and safe environment for its employees and will carry zero tolerance for alcohol, drugs and psychotropic substances at work.

The company said that its security service reported several cases when employees came to work drunk even though the company has always fought against this.

«The analysis of data shows that the vast majority of those who broke the rules are employees of our contractors,» the company’s press service said.

In response to each of the incidents, the company has taken tough disciplinary measures and informed the management of contractor companies about the incidents. 

Now Karazhanbasmunay security service is focusing on identifying any suspicious behavior of workers in an effort to eradicate the very roots of such behavior while on industrial sites.

Karazhanbasmunay Joint Stock Company operates on the Karazhanbas oil field at the Buzhachi peninsula 230 kilometers from Aktau. The oil field has been operating since 1974. In 2018 the company produced its 50 millionth ton of oil.

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