
Boeing to provide training for Kazakhstan’s airline personnel

Representatives of the company met with the head of the Civil Aviation Committee

According to the press service of the Civil Aviation Committee, representatives from Boeing met with Talgat Lastayev, head of the committee. At the meeting, the two sides agreed that American specialists will provide training for personnel from Kazakhstan’s commercial airlines.

As the Boeing delegates noted, the main goal of the visit to Kazakhstan is to assist the country in improving control over flight safety and examine what the two sides can do to deepen their cooperation.

For instance, this potential cooperation may include issues such as improving Kazakhstan’s legislation to prepare it for the evaluation within the International Aviation Safety Assessment Program (IASA) by the U.S. FAA and facilitating the launch of direct flights between Kazakhstan and the U.S.

Kazakhstan aviation has rebounded to the pre-pandemic rate of air travel. In terms of revenues, the industry is also showing steady growth.