Kazakhstan’s minister explains the country’s position toward the incident with the Zhibek Zholy ship

Last week Turkey arrested Kazakhstan’s ship dubbed Zhibek Zholy (Silk Road) that had been leased to Russia. According to Kairbek Uskenbayev, the minister of industry and infrastructural development of Kazakhstan, the country is going to dissolve the leasing contract if the ship was used for illegal activities.
The official noted that Turkish authorities are trying to find out the origins of the ship’s cargo, who was a freighter, and who sent the cargo. He also said that Kazakhstan is going to ask Turkey to provide the country with details of the case.
«They should finish all the legal work. So, we won’t intervene or add fuel to this resonant case until they have done their legal work. As soon as they finish their investigations, we’ll make a decision,» Uskenbayev stated.
Last week Turkey arrested cargo ship Zhibek Zholy filled with grain at the seaport of Karasu. According to Ukraine, the grain was stolen from the country.
On July 1, Kazakhstan’s company KTZ Express officially reported that the ship’s owner KTZ Express Shipping leased the ship to the Russian company Green Light on October 26, 2021. The ship’s owner also said that there were no international restrictions against Green Light at the time of the deal.