CPC appeals to Russia to cancel the decision about closing the sea terminal in Novorossiysk

Опубликовано (обновлено )
If the court’s decision enters into force immediately, it will ruin the entire production cycle

In a letter to the district court of Novorossiysk, the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) has appealed to the court to suspend its decision regarding the CPC until the authorities consider the company’s complaint. On July 5, the court issued a rule that requires the CPC to stop all its activities.

«The administrative punishment through banning the company from working must be implemented immediately. However, the law prohibits taking any actions that can cause irreversible consequences for the production process,» the CPC said in the appeal.

As the consortium noted, the CPC is a nonstop operating enterprise; therefore, any suspension of production can cause irreversible consequences for the entire process. For example, if the company stops its operation, it can trigger a chain of negative events including the disintegration of the technical process of oil transportation which doesn’t stipulate for any suspension of the production process.

The Primorsky district court of Novorossiysk has ruled that the CPC should suspend its activities for 30 days until all the violations Roskomnadzor revealed are fixed.

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