Russian import of cars to Uzbekistan drops twofold

Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Although the accumulative amount of car imports has risen by 56%

Over the first seven months of 2022, Uzbekistan imported 18,800 passenger cars for $460.9 million. This is a 56% growth (+6,750) if compared to the same period last year. The increase is based on growing car imports from China and South Korea, while Russia, a traditional source of cars for Uzbekistan in the past has lost its positions in the local market, according to data from the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics.

During the reporting period, Uzbekistan imported cars from 25 different states. China accounts for 42% of the country’s market of passenger cars. Over the period from January to July Uzbekistan imported 7,950 cars from China. This is a twofold increase over the same period last year.

South Korea holds the second position in terms of car imports as Uzbekistan imported 5,600 cars from that country this year.

Moreover, Kazakhstan has squeezed Russia from the third position. So far, Kazakhstan has exported 3,400 cars to Uzbekistan, which is 2.6 times more than last year. Russian car exports to the country dropped twofold to 1,280 cars.

According to Russian statistics, over the first half of the year, the car industry in that country produced 61.8% fewer cars than last year. The plunge is the result of the shortage of parts and details for new cars which was an outcome of international automotive companies being reluctant to operate as usual after the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Uzbekistani consumers have shown a big interest in passenger cars this year. Over the first six months, the demand for cars rose by 2.1 times in the country. The vast majority of sold cars were locally produced (160,300) and 9,800 were imported.

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