What do Russians do for a living in Kazakhstan?

Senior news correspondent
About 22,000 Russians are officially employed in the country

According to Tamara Duysenova, minister of labor and social protection of the population in Kazakhstan, more than 70% of officially employed Russians work in the service sector.

Another group of Russians is employees in the industrial sector (16%), construction companies (9%) and agriculture (2%). In general, there are five of the most popular professions among those who have come to Kazakhstan from Russia: accountants, client managers, sales managers, logistic specialists and drivers.

The government wants foreign workers to pay their retirement contributions.

«So far, we have 22,500 Russians officially working in Kazakhstan and paying their retirement contributions. About 8,000 of them are people who have been working here since the beginning of the year,» the official noted.

More than 300,000 Russian have entered Kazakhstan since President Putin declared so-called partial mobilization in September. Even though Russian authorities promised to conscript only those who have military experience or military-grade qualifications, many young people have decided to flee the country. They used land routes to Finland, Georgia, Mongolia and Kazakhstan as air tickets are now too expensive in Russia.

However, many Russians have already left Kazakhstan, while only a handful have applied for the residence permit here. On October 4, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan reported 68 such applications.

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