Galim Khusainov quits Bank CenterCredit

The bank has already revealed who is going to be the new chairman

As the Bank CenterCredit (BCC) press service reported, Galim Khusainov is no longer the top executive in the bank.

«His contribution to the bank’s development was vital. The board of directors of Bank CenterCredit appreciates Galim Khusainov for his dedication and wishes him all the success in future projects,» the bank said.

Ruslan Vladimirov has been appointed as the new head of the bank. He previously held the same position at ECO Center Bank.

«Bank CenterCredit finishes its planned rotation of the board members due to the completion of the integration between the bank and ECO Center Bank,» the BCC press service highlighted.

As of October 1, Bank CenterCredit ranks third among Kazakhstan’s commercial banks in terms of assets (after Halyk and Kaspi). According to the National Bank, the BCC possesses $7.1 billion worth of different assets. The bank’s stocks are traded on the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange. There are two major shareholders in the bank: Bakhytbek Baiseitov (48.47%) and Vladislav Lee (11.16%). ECO Center Bank is the former Alfa-Bank Kazakhstan that found itself under Western sanctions and was forced to look for new investors. On May 5, BCC officially acquired the bank and then gave it a new name. In June Eco Center Credit paid BCC $105.7 million in dividends for 2019-2021.

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