More than 200,000 foreigners apply for IIN in Kazakhstan

General News Correspondent
It is unclear how many Russians were among these applicants

According to Aset Turysov, deputy minister of digital development and aerospace industry, more than 200,000 foreigners have received Individual Identification Numbers (IIN) in Kazakhstan since September 21. However, he said that he doesn’t possess more detailed information about where these people came from.

«Every foreigner who wants to live in Kazakhstan or open a banking account must obtain an IIN,» he said.

On September 21, President Vladimir Putin of Russia declared a partial mobilization. The Russian authorities said at the time that they would conscript those who have special military skills and military experience.

After this declaration, hundreds of thousands of young Russians started to leave the country. They have headed to several neighboring countries, including Kazakhstan.

In the earlier report, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan said that more than 200,000 Russians came to the country. About 147,000 of them have already left for other destinations.

On October 4, Internal Minister Marat Akhmetzhanov mentioned that 68 Russians applied for Kazakhstani citizenship.

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