
McDonald’s leaves the Kazakhstani market

Food Solutions KZ’s fast food chain is set to stop working under the McDonald’s brand in Kazakhstan because of «a shortage in supplies,» the company said in an official statement.

However, Food Solutions KZ is going to restart its restaurants under a new name. The announcement will be issued «soon,» it said.

«Once the chain’s restaurants are reopened, our guests will be offered high-quality products, a diversified menu and hospitable service. Our fast food restaurants are going to continue working under high standards and principles of business conduct,» the company said in a statement.

The first restaurant under the McDonald’s brand opened in Kazakhstan in 2016. In November 2022, McDonald’s Kazakhstan announced the suspension of operation for all its 24 restaurants in six cities across the country. After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, McDonald’s left Russia and demanded Food Solutions KZ, its Kazakhstani franchise holder, to stop purchasing meat patties from Russian suppliers.

Given that the chain demands its regional partners use only those products that meet international standards, the Kazakhstani franchise holder couldn’t rely on local suppliers and bumped into this insurmountable obstacle.