Secret service prevents terror attacks in Kazakhstan

Senior news correspondent
KNB has prevented a terrorist act in Kazakhstan / Shutterstock

The National Security Committee (KNB) has prevented a terror attack in the country’s regions. This statement was made by Yermek Sagimbayev, head of the agency during his meeting with President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.

According to Sagimbayev, KNB officers have prevented several terrorist acts including a terror attack with an improvised explosive device in a crowded place, although he hasn’t revealed where the attack would have occurred. The official reported that 19 people have been detained over these cases.

In several cases, the agency stopped the activity of foreign intelligence services, he reported to the president. Pre-trial investigation of these cases is underway.

Sagimbayev also reported that over the first four months of 2023, KNB neutralized eight dangerous organized criminal groups and destroyed seven illegal workshops where perpetrators manufactured small arms and ammunition for them. The committee seized 268 items of illicit weapons, 21 grenades and more than 30,000 rounds. It also cracked down on 16 drug laboratories, 11 international and 17 regional drug trafficking channels.

The Border Guard Service under the KNB has detained 6,987 perpetrators of the state border, prevented 85 attempts of small arms and rounds smuggling and discovered illegal currency, gold and other goods worth $6.2 million. The agency also reported the neutralization of four channels of illegal migration.

In addition, the technical division of the agency reported 37.9 million cyberattacks and 1,948 DDoS attacks on critical infrastructure in Kazakhstan.

After Sagimbayev’s report, President Tokayev ordered him to strengthen the work of the national security agency.

In April 2023, KNB said that a foreigner planned a terrorist act with the help of an improvised explosive device in one of the Southern regions of the country. The secret service managed to prevent this from happening.

In 2022, Kazakhstan prevented three terror attacks. Overall, 56 people were sentenced to prison for terrorism and extremism. The agency also prevented 134 foreign citizens linked with extremist or terrorist groups from entering Kazakhstan. 

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