Samruk Kazyna increases payments to its top managers

Senior business reporter
Samruk Kazyna has increased payments to its top managers by one and a half times / Photo: Shutterstock

The National Welfare Fund of Samruk Kazyna has paid $874,248.98 to members of its board of directors in 2022, the holding said in a statement.

«The total number of payments to members of the executive body of the Samruk Kazyna fund was $874,248.98 in 2022,» the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange reported, citing Nazira Nurbayeva, the holding’s executive manager for economic and finance. On August 25, she was appointed the deputy foreign minister.

In 2021, the holding paid its top managers $591,865.48. This means that payments to top executives within the holding increased by 47.%. According to Samruk Kazyna’s website, there are six board members, including CEO Nurlan Zhakupov. Each of them received about $145,600 on average. In 2020, Samruk Kazyna paid $572,294.35 as a reward to its high-ranking executives.

In 2022, the state holding reported $4 billion in net profit. In 2021, this figure was $3.4 billion. 

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