
“China fully supports territorial integrity of Kazakhstan.” Tokayev and Xi Jinping meet in Beijing

The two sides have signed a set of documents / Photo:

According to the press service of President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, he and President Xi Jinping of China held an official meeting in Beijing.

What happened? President Tokayev has come to China to take part in the third Belt and Road summit. During the meeting with Xi Jinping President Tokayev pointed out that Kazakhstani-Chinese relations have been demonstrating a positive dynamic.

«The trade between our states has been developing successfully. The growth is impressive. We are continuing to implement 52 joint projects worth $21 billion. Next year, we are going to celebrate the Year of Kazakhstan’s Tourism in China which will open loads of new opportunities in this sphere. I believe that relations between Kazakhstan and China have a huge potential and can be brought to the ultimate new level,» Tokayev said.

He also invited the Chinese leader to come to visit Kazakhstan next year.

What did the two presidents talk about? During the talks, the two sides discussed cooperation in the spheres of trade, economy, oil and gas, petrochemicals, energy, finance, transport and transit. Moreover, the two leaders also shared their vision on the current international and regional agenda.

What is the PRC’s official position? According to President Xi, China fully supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Kazakhstan.

«No matter how the international situation changes, China and Kazakhstan are going to stick to their goals and assist each other. Over years of friendship, our countries have managed to build an eternal and comprehensive strategic partnership. Ten years ago, I announced the Belt and Road Initiative in Kazakhstan,» Xi highlighted.

What kind of agreements have the two sides signed? Once the negotiations between Tokayev and Xi were over, the two countries’ delegates signed a set of documents as follows:

  • Memorandum of Understanding between the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reform of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the National Development and Reform Commission of the People’s Republic of China on exchange and cooperation in the field of economic development;
  • Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the People’s Republic of China on the development of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route and cargo transportation between China and Europe by railway;
  • Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the National Development and Reform Commission of the People’s Republic of China on the project of construction of the railway between Tacheng and Ayagoz;
  • Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the People’s Republic of China on the development of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route;
  • Protocol between the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China on phytosanitary requirements for the export of rapeseed from the Republic of Kazakhstan to the People’s Republic of China.

President Xi was in Kazakhstan on an official visit in September 2022. At the time, he underlined that China would strongly support Kazakhstan in the defense of its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. Following the meeting, the two presidents signed a joint statement on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and China.

In May 2023, President Tokayev said that Kazakhstanis and other residents of Central Asia should drop any fears of affinity with China. He emphasized that the PRC is the second biggest economy in the world and this is why the region should admit it and seek mutually beneficial cooperation. Tokayev made these remarks live on CCTV, a Chinese broadcaster.