AIX reports new record in stock trading thanks to Polymetal

In January 2024, the Astana International Exchange (AIX) reported record-high trading volumes of stocks. It amounted to $25.5 million, which is the best result the exchange has ever shown. Stocks of Polymetal International have accounted for the lion’s share of this success. More generally, foreign stocks became a significant part of stock trading on the AIX this January (37%).
Polymetal International is ranked among the top ten gold producers in the world. The company’s shares have been traded on the AIX since 2019. In 2023, Polymetal redomiciliated from the island of Jersey to the Astana International Financial Center (AIFC). As of February 5, the company’s share price was $3.97. The trading volume with the stock has risen by 34%, reaching $17 million.
Fix Price (+237% month-on-month, $51,000), Halyk Bank (+48.78%, $474,000), Kazatomprom (+72.36%, $2 million), KazMunayGas (+169.92%, $1.6 million) and (+103%, $1 million) have also reported an increase in trading volumes month-on-month.
The overall volume of trading with stocks, bonds and other financial instruments on the AIX has set new records for the third month in a row, reaching $43 million in January. Over the same period last year, this rate was about $27 million, which means that the trading volume rose by 59.2% year-on-year.