
Kazakhstani Shin Line wants to export its ice cream to Saudi Arabia

Shin-Line’s plans for Saudi Arabia /, image editor: Aruzhan Makhsotova

In conversation with, Shin-Line’s Head of Board of Directors, Dmitry Dokin, discussed the plans for cooperation with Saudi Arabian Al-Alameya Group. Shin-Line is to export already-made ice cream, though the Governor’s Office of Almaty region earlier reported on plans for the milk supply for Al-Alameya. 

«We are starting to export ice cream from Almaty to Saudi Arabia this September. If the volume is going to be engaging, we may build a new ice cream factory there in the future,» Dokin noted.

According to him, the company is currently localizing the package for the Arab markets. Shin-Line has already obtained a local ‘halal’ certificate.

Dmitry also said that he had an audience with the Governor of Almaty region, Marat Sultangaziev. The head of the region spoke about the need to only produce ice cream from milk of Kazakhstan origin. However, according to Mr. Dokin, this goal is currently unreachable due to the lack of milk in the country. Starting a new factory in Saudi Arabia was also discussed, but today the project cannot be implemented.

«Milk is a cheap product. It is not meant for traveling such long distances,» Dmitry noted without dismissing the possibility of launching the new production.

On August 5, the release was published on the website of the Governor’s Office of Almaty region, which detailed about an agreement between Shin-Line and Al-Alameya Group. Under its terms, the Kazakhstani company shall supply milk to Al-Alameya Group for their own ice cream production. Other sources reported on the possibility of new factory construction in Saudi Arabia in conjunction with Shin-Line.

The Governor’s Office’s statement also quoted joint owner of Shin-Line, Andrey Shin. He sees the future milk supply project as ‘a significant step for export potential development.’ According to Governor’s Office’s release, the ice cream from Kazakhstani milk is to hit store shelves in Saudi Arabia next year.

Shin-Line was founded in 2002, its owners are Andrey and Natalya Shin. The company’s product line is presented not only in Kazakhstan, but also in China, Russia, Belarus, Mongolia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan. Export volume to Russia surged by 123%, and to China by —115% previous year. According to Euromonitor, Shin-Line ranked 36th in the world’s ice cream producer rating at the end of last year.

Over the past two years, the company has sat twice at the center of controversy. The leak occurred at Shin-Line’s factory in Almaty. Sixty people were at the plant, and eight were right in the workshop. Five employees were hospitalized. The factory was closed this year in May.

At the end of May, Russian media reported that the Russian Quality System (Roskachestvo) discovered marks of coliform bacteria in the «Mishka na Polyuse» ice cream. The company rejected the claims, insisting that possible quality violations are beyond the area of the producer’s responsibility.

Al-Alameya Group is a Saudi holding, founded in 1985. It produces a wide range of foods, including those for cafйs and restaurants. The company operates in the market of Saudi Arabia and the markets of other Gulf countries. The interactions with Shin-Line were first reported last October. The parties discussed the possibilities of the Kazakhstani producer’s market expansion to the Middle East.