As a result, the company will be able to provide clients with direct access to Europe Cboe and other European exchanges
Talking about new shopping and recreation centers in Astana and Almaty
Does the company’s British co-owner agree with the move?
The public offering will be completed by December 10, 2022
CEO of the holding has presented annual report of the company
The country has allocated more than $1 million for geological exploration
The government accuses those investors of not paying income tax
KMG and Air Astana said they are ready for the initial offering
Because of people's protests
The country has regained full control over the gold mine
The country’s stock market participants weigh outlooks and size of equity offerings
There are more than 170 license holders that do not fully comply with contract requirements
Such as TripAdvisor, Unity Software and Xerox
The amount of trade is set by the Ministry of Energy
Users must be aware of any risk when they deal with online services
The stocks rose 9.7% over the last month
The president wants local banks to be a crucial part of the economy rebounding process
What shares might be attractive for retail investors in Kazakhstan
The sector is going to trade with foreign securities
MOEX wants to increase trading volume with foreign securities
According to Timur Turlov, CEO of Freedom Holding Corp.
The volume of retail sales in the country will reach $32 billion by the end of 2022
It is going to raise $300 million