September 4, 2023 Alexey Afonskiy New chairman of National Bank doesn’t rule out further decreasing of base rate
September 4, 2023 Ayturgan Azimzhanova President Tokayev appoints six new ministers, including Balaeva and Zhakupov
September 4, 2023 Nazgul Zharbulova President appoints ex-head of Baiterek as new minister of industry and construction
September 3, 2023 Christina Dumanova Ministry of Culture explains why the website of the US Department of Commerce has been blocked in Kazakhstan
September 1, 2023 Christina Dumanova Kazakhstanis will get the right to choose local governors on their own
August 29, 2023 Alexey Afonskiy Kazakhstan falls behind its neighbors in terms of consumer confidence
August 29, 2023 Ayturgan Azimzhanova Kazakhstan wants to obtain seat in IAEA board but not through the courts
August 29, 2023 Zhanbolat Mamyshev Prime minister instructs cabinet to complete revision of natural deposits in the country
August 28, 2023 Tatyana Gurzhiy Forensic analysis confirms death of Evgeniy Prigozhin. The sole woman on crashed plane was born in Kazakhstan
August 24, 2023 Olga Tonkonog Francis Fukuyama: “Central Asia will obtain more freedom if Russia and China get weaker”
August 23, 2023 Alexey Afonskiy Company controlled by Chodiev and Mashkevich explains deal with Russian Sberbank
August 22, 2023 Nazgul Zharbulova Kazakhstan makes political decision to push ArcelorMittal out of the country
August 22, 2023 Zhanbolat Mamyshev Government predicts decline in national companies dividend payouts
August 21, 2023 Zhanbolat Mamyshev Kazakhstan suspends the force of rule requiring exporters to sell foreign currency they earned