July 4, 2023 Olesya Bassarova Tokayev praises Biden’s support in strengthening security in Central Asia
July 3, 2023 Tatyana Gurzhiy Timur Turlov announces his plan to set up new 5G telecom operator in Kazakhstan
July 3, 2023 Tatyana Gurzhiy Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan to pass over Kazakhstan in trade route with Russia
July 1, 2023 Albert Fahrutdinov Qiwi splits its Kazakh and Russian businesses to stay listed on Nasdaq
June 30, 2023 Zhaniya Urankayeva Kazakhstan’s Senate takes another honorary title from Nazarbayev and gives it to President Tokayev
June 30, 2023 Alina Shashkina Speaker of Mazhilis criticizes cabinet for not doing enough to meet expectations
June 29, 2023 Karakoz Ydyrys Kazakhstan increases exports to Russia while banks try not to mess with International sanctions
June 23, 2023 Tatyana Gurzhiy Kazakhstan will keep Astana Process if all its participants want it to do so
June 23, 2023 Olga Tonkonog IFC’s director: “We see that Kazakhstan has tremendous long-term potential”
June 22, 2023 Albert Fahrutdinov Russian Bank once popular for money transfers is going to restrict its operation in Kazakhstan
June 21, 2023 Zhanbolat Mamyshev Expert wants Kazakhstan’s government to reduce its share in quasi-public companies
June 21, 2023 Zhaniya Urankayeva Kazakhstan’s debt continues to grow but the government isn’t worried
June 21, 2023 Tatyana Gurzhiy China temporarily closes its crossing points at the border with Kazakhstan