Chinese investors to produce wolfram in the Almaty region

According to the Ministry of Industry and Construction, Zhetysu Wolfram will produce wolfram ore in the Bugytinskoye field in the Almaty region. Chinese Jiaxing International Resources Investment Ltd. is the co-owner of the company.
Currently, Zhetysu Wolfram is building an enrichment facility and conducting some mining operations. Once the factory’s construction is complete in late 2024, about 1,000 new jobs will be created.
The company will produce and process 3.3 million tons of wolfram ore from the Bugytinskoye field at its new factory, which will produce 65% wolfram concentrate.
In the future, investors want to raise the processing level to produce ammonium parawolframate and high-grade tungsten carbide from the 65% wolfram concentrate. The company is preparing a feasibility study for the project.
As the ministry reported, the industrial production of wolfram at the Bugytinskoye field started in 2015 and will continue until 2040.
According to, Zhetysu Wolfram’s owners include two companies: Aral Kegen and Ever Trillion International Singapore. In turn, the Chinese company Jiaxing International Resources Investment and a Chinese citizen, Liu Lichiang, own Aral Kegen.
Chinese businesses are actively investing in constructing wind power stations throughout Kazakhstan. For instance, Sany Group Co. Ltd is considering launching the production of towers, blades and nacelles for wind power stations in Kazakhstan. The corporation has already been constructing a one-gigawatt renewable power station in Kazakhstan.