The national oil company used a call option and paid $3.8 billion
The company is already negotiating with the government of Kazakhstan
The aerial vehicle has been developed for non-military purposes
The country’s parliament has already approved the bill
The move won’t require big costs, officials say
The op-ed of Timur Turlov, CEO of Freedom Holding Corp.
According to the country’s foreign minister
Over the past six months, the sector gained 52% more revenue thanks to tourists
Kazakhstan wants all conflicts to be resolved peacefully, the president said
The process may take about 18 months, the bank owner says
The suggestion has already been added to the constitutional law draft
Due to the arrival of high-ranking guests from around the world
This visit is going to be the first foreign visit for President Xi since the beginning of the pandemic
The prominent Kazakhstani boxer is going to debut in a new weight
The bank’s CEO says several investors are interested in the stock
Kazakhstan’s export to the U.K. rose by 79% in the first half of 2022
Businesses are no longer forced to have several payment terminals from different banks
Elnar Kazbekov from the Ministry of National Economy has commented on President Tokayev’s new initiative
Year on year basis the product price rose by 93%
The lower chamber of the country’s parliament has approved a new law
Due to the rapid price surge
President Tokayev said that Kazakhstan is interested in the German system of training for engineers
The rating agency believes that Kazakhstan is still vulnerable to potential failures in the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC)
The National Bank increased the rate four times earlier this year