But ready to provide a transit corridor
Last year the global volume of net foreign direct investments fell by 35%
It’s been a member of the exchange since March 2021
Over the last month, Freedom Finance Bank approved loans for about $4.7 million
The number of microfinance organizations in the country has reached 220
By Dulat Tastekeyev, founder and CEO in Tas Group
By Shalkar Zhusupov the KMF chairman of the board
After it has won the selection competition
Vero Cell vaccine has got approval from WHO
He admitted mistakes in the Kumtor project
After the EU adopts a carbon tax
Dutch Shell left two of these projects
Some countries already embrace this practice
Due to international and domestic economies rebounding
Despite the fact that 80% of them should work remotely
Its former executive got free
The country has already received the first tranche
A team’s member has won another medal in Tokyo