The country is now the biggest source of meat products for its neighbor
The government is trying to develop those niches businesses aren’t interested in
The project will include 136 bridges along the way
Last year the bank allocated more than $500 million
The country sees three scenarios for the project
The parliament has supported this decision
At the expense of private players
The company is going to offer investors stocks of up to $50 million
The country pivots toward renewable sources of energy
Uzbekistan has rapidly changed. Four years ago the government made a bold move and opened the country to the world
The notion of gender equality is something new on the public agenda in Uzbekistan
The home appliances industry in Uzbekistan is one of the fast-growing segments of the national economy
The country is going to attract foreign programmers
The new railway will be built to bypass Saryagash and Tashkent
All those certificates must have QR codes
The country’s stock market participants weigh outlooks and size of equity offerings
The money will be recovered through a trust fund run by the UN